"...as the waters cover the sea..."

Today is the National Day of Prayer, so the daily encouragement is going to be a bit different today. 

The NDP taskforce has selected Habakkuk 2:14 as the scripture for consideration.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14 ESV)

Ocean Sunset.png

This verse refers to a future time, a time in which the entire world, the whole of the earth, will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

The image that is given is a very powerful one; “as the waters cover the sea.”  Of course, there is no place that can be accurately described as “sea” that is not “water,” and that’s the point.  There will come a time in which the whole of the earth will be redeemed from the corruption that Adam and Eve plunged it into when they disobeyed God in the garden.

Romans 8 talks about the anticipation the world has for this event.

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.  And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.  For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? (Romans 8:20-24 ESV)

I’ve spoken of this before in the not too distant past, but it bears repeating. 

Romans 8 talks of the creation itself, anticipating the redemption from the bondage that it was subject to when the ground was cursed because of Adam’s disobedience.  Not only the creation, but we who have the firstfruits of the Spirit have this groaning.  This “groaning” that Paul talks about is the longing for a new age that will be inaugurated when Christ returns.  This new age will be categorized by a magnification of all that is good and holy, and elimination of all that is evil and causes pain.

But we aren’t there yet.  For all, we know the arrival of that day is sooner than we think it might be.  The scripture repeatedly says that the Day of the Lord will come and catch a number of people unprepared.  On the other hand, that day may be farther in the future that any of us want it to be.  Peter reminds us of God’s patience toward His creation, giving the disobedient another day to come to repentance before there are no more days left.

For those of us, who long for the day to come, but also hope to see a lot more come to know Christ before it does, we are left with prayer as a powerful means of being strengthened and encouraged as well as strengthening and encouraging one another.

Many of you have attended a prayer event already.  Perhaps you joined on a zoom call or “social-distanced” at the park.  If so, thank you for your prayers. 

If not, if the day has come and almost gone, then there is still time.

Call your family together for a few minutes, fire up your mobile device and Skype or Facetime someone, or pick up the phone and call someone and just spend a few minutes in prayer together.

Let’s face it; the world was crazy before all this happened.  The world just got crazier with Covid-19.  It may never get any less crazy until our Lord returns. 

So let’s fill our spare moments loving one another, reading our bibles, and praying.

If Covid-19 gets non-Christians seeking and Christians praying, it might have all been worth it.

Keep safe, be well, and stay encouraged.


FYI In the coming days, you will begin to hear more from me about reopening the church.  I am putting together a plan that incorporates the advice and direction of our state and also takes our unique congregation into consideration.  We will be reaching out to those of you who regularly attend with some survey questions so that we can gauge your preparedness to return.  Also, I am going to be putting together a task force to oversee some of the logistical details as we begin to put the broader plan into action.





My Dad is Stronger than Your Dad.