The Power is Back On!
Thankfully, most of us have our power back after the complete disaster of Tropical Storm Isaias.
While there are still a few places in the state who still haven’t gotten their power restored, most of us have been able to crank up the air-conditioning and be thankful that God struck Ben Franklin’s kite with a bolt of lightning (if that did indeed happen).
Picture taken by Martinus and accessed from
It got me thinking, in our modern society, we can’t go very long without power. Without electric power the food in our refrigerator goes bad, the pumps in our well won’t run, and the electronic ways we interface with the world (including work) don’t compute.
We are “dependent” on electricity.
That can teach us something about our relationship with God.
Spiritually, we are dependent on God’s power to sustain us in our everyday lives.
If you have joined us in worship in the last few weeks, you know that we have been working through the book of Acts. Two weeks ago we looked at the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and how that gave Jesus’ disciples power to accomplish the Great Commission.
For us, the Holy Spirit gives us the ongoing power to do the same in our daily lives. However, in addition to giving us the power to “do” good things for the Kingdom of God, it the Spirit also gives us the power to “be” hopeful in our everyday struggles.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
(Romans 15:13 ESV)
Paul reminds us that we abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Whatever it is you need hope for today, the good news is that the Spirit of God, which the Father has sent to live within us because of the finished work of His Son, has the power to give us this hope.
Keep safe, be well, and stay encouraged.
P.S. Lets keep all those still without power in our prayers.