Back to School
It is time again to start talking about “going back to school. If you have kids or grandkids, you know that this year, “back to school” is a little different than it has been in the past. For some, it means wearing a mask all day, sitting behind a plexiglass barrier, and eating lunch at your desk. For others, it means back to distance education or some combination of in-class participation and online learning.
Learning in times of crisis can be quite tricky, but there is one thing that we recognize, students can’t simply push the pause button on education. Even in times of crisis, learning has to continue.
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The same thing is true of our education at the feet of our Lord.
As we work through the book of Acts, we recognize that a devotion to the apostles teaching was one of the key aspects of being part of the movement started by Peter in Acts chapter 2.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42 ESV)
Remember, the church, in those days, was experiencing a crisis.
Jesus had been the victim of a miscarriage of justice, both the Jewish authority and Romans have it out for those who follow Jesus. It won’t be very long before Peter is called before the Sanhedrin and commanded to be quiet about Jesus.
And yet they remained devoted to growing in Christ, learn from the words of Christ, and tell others about Christ.
They didn’t push the pause button on learning because they were in crisis.
Neither can we.
This Sunday, I hope you will join us in being devoted to the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers. Whether you are able to join us in person during our outdoor service or choose, for the sake of caution, to join us online, we hope that you will be with us this Sunday, with both your hearts and your Bibles open.
Eventually, we will be able to reconvene in our building, and things will return to a sense of normalcy that more closely resembles what we left when we started quarantine, but until then, we can’t push the pause button on growing in Christ.
Sunday after Sunday, rain or shine, we have to go “back to school.”
Keep well, be safe, and stay encouraged.
P.S. We will be starting at 9:45 to gather for socially distant prayer together. If you are joining us online, would you consider joining hands with your spouse and family to pray together?